Internet |
Online Income-Streams
Opportunities Worth Millions!
at home for an hour a day and make six figure income!
your computer to make money off the internet!
rich with no work!
You Hate Those Type of Ads?
Are you lost and confused
about this whole online income, home business
scheme / scam? Are you sick of the hype that makes everything as clear
as mud? I certainly am! Not sure what the latest hot internet marketing
fad is or if it is a dying one?
of these questions and more I have asked myself recently. I am David
Robertson and I created this website to answer some of these questions
for people that are interested. I am not about hype or sales pitch or
the latest gimmick. I am interested in giving you information as
clearly as I can, when I get it.
I started on this quest by wishing I could make an income from the net
and then I stopped and took a step backwards. I actually make a
significant portion of my income from the internet already. Not as you
may think through internet marketing. Some of you may have arrived at
this website from which is my primary website. I am an artist
blacksmith and most of my income comes from people ordering courses or
equipment from my website.
My reasons for exploring the internet for opportunities was to find a
source of supplemental income. Back in the winter of 2006 I injured my
elbow (no not from smithing, I was chopping wood and hit it on the wood
pile. Don't ask!) This meant I had to cut back on the smithing to allow
it to heal and I started to look for alternative income streams.
My pursuit has been based on a series of assumptions.
people have made money off the internet.
people have made a lot of money of the net.
no smarter than I am have made money on the internet.
money just requires the right information.
is important.
may take a bit of money to make money.
are expensive ways of doing things and cheap ways of doing things.
ways are usually faster and sometimes better but not always.
is always more to learn.
What I Have Found So Far
Wealthy Affiliate
has all the training and the support to lead you to white hat success
in Internet marketing.
See the information below.
What I have
found so far is
that persistence is one of most important
things you need to rely on. When I started looking into web
based marketing I was hit with a ton of new terms sometimes
things are called by several different names. Very confusing. It is
very much a process of sifting through all the information and gleaning
the truths.
On this website I am going to try and break down what I have learned as
clearly as I can. This is set at a novice level because I am definitely
a novice in the area of home income opportunitys. I will also provide
access to the resources that I have found useful. Many of you
who read this will be much more advanced in this field than I am. If
you do see glaring mistakes I do appreciate constructive feedback. This
site is really to help people break into this intriguing world of
online supplemental income.
I don't believe in get rich quick schemes. I do believe that this
occupation will soak up a great deal of time on the computer. I also
believe that most people can develop a partial income from the
internet. Much of it depends on what you are willing to put into it.

Internet Marketing. How it
works (or the Tip of the Iceberg).
The general idea is to create a
system to earn multiple income streams online that add up to a
significant sum. I think of tributaries of a river. Many little streams
that individually a child could dam up with his boot. Once 3 or 4 get
together it starts to become a force to be reckoned with. This also is
the same as not putting all your eggs in one basket.
One thing that all the authors, that I have read, agree upon
is that internet marketing is always changing. There is nothing we can
do but resign ourselves that we will constantly have to change how we
work with it. This I feel is a fundamental truth. Things that worked a
year ago may not work now.
I will touch on the topics that I am most comfortable with and will add
more as I learn about them. So the following list is by no means
Possible income streams:
Direct sales of products you make or buy for re-sale. My site is this kind.
Selling Advertising eg. Google Adsense.
Ebay and similar auctions.
Affiliate Marketing
List Marketing
Direct Sales
The concept is to make a
website that promotes some form of product that you sell. This can be a
hard good. Something that you have to ship out. Something that could be
emailed or downloaded. Many other possibilities. A website is much like
an advertising flyer or booklet. A series of images and text describe
and promote your product. It is usually fairly static piece of work.
I prefer to do as much of the work myself as possible. This gives me
the ability to change things easily and try new things. Contrary to
popular belief making a web site is not hard. I use a free program
called Nvu.
Nvu is open source code and works the best of all the visual editors
that I have used. Just Google Nvu and you will find the site.
Nvu is a
visual program that you can type your text in where you want it, add
pictures where you want. It does most of the coding for you. It also
allows you to go in an tweak the actual code to fix inevitable
mistakes. There is a final preview where you can see how it will look
in a web browser. As a program it was mostly intuitive to learn and
free is good.
I also use Core Ftp as a file
transfer program.
Again free and very easy to use and learn.
I would also recommend getting a book on html (the actual programming
language). The one I use (it is dated now but still very useful and
affordable) is called HTML
In An Instant
ISBN: 0-7645-3627-3.
Using your program and html reference book build a small neat site that
tells about your product or service. Provide a way for people to get in
contact with you, email, phone, or postal address to buy your product.
For details regarding website construction see resource menu at top
Next you will need to purchase a domain Name and a place to Host your
site. The Domain Name is the form. These are unique so your first choice may be
gone. Persevere and try different letter and word combination that
relate to your product.
The host is where your site will be on a server that has constant
access to the internet. You will have to pay a fee for the name
registration and your hosting plan. The hosting plan fee will depend on
the size of your website and how much traffic will be visiting it. You
can increase your plan if your traffic warrants it. I can recommend as
a well respected service that allows you multiple domains and a huge
amount of storage. This is where I host my domains. Easy to use and
very good tutorials and help sections. I am all about saving money but
it is worth paying a
bit for reliable service after all your online income depends
on the up time of your website.
Selling Advertising on Your Website such
as Google Adsense
Google Adsense is
advertising that is generated taking into account the related text on
the web page that it is placed. This means it is targeted advertising.
Each time a person clicks on your advertising links you are paid a
small sum 5 cents to maybe $1.00. This becomes lucrative when many
people come to your site and are looking for related products. This
income stream is all about numbers. If you have 1000 people per day
come to your site a certain percentage will click on the ads. The more
people that come the more you stand to make.
Adsense is set up through Google and there is a forum to discuss
techniques. It is relatively painless to set up for Google
Ebay and Similar Online Auctions
You may have already bought
items through ebay. You can sell as well. Again this is easy to set up.
You should have a photo of the item you are selling and a good
description. You are a little at the mercy of the crowd for your final
price but you can set a minimum that you will take. A helpful free tool
is eBay
Auction Tutor, free is always good.
People who make a living off ebay have many products up for
sale every day. This will also mean packaging your product
and shipping it out. This is a good way to make some money online and
with a good strategy you could make a fair bit. This
is moderately time consuming as you have to set up the ads,
take photos, package, etc.
Affiliate Marketing
When I first started
researching income streams this term Affiliate kept coming up. All this
means is that you advertise another persons product or service and they
will pay you a percentage of a sale that your advertising brings in to
them. So you could design a website to promote someone's product then
place a snippet of tracking code on the link to the products home site
that you are selling. When a person clicks through the link and buys
something from the merchant you get a commission. The affiliate service
that you subscribe to then sends you a check or direct deposits to a
PayPal account the funds once you reach a minimum threshold (usually in
the $100.00 range).
One of my favorites is Clickbank.
Clickbank is simplicity itself (see also link under resources menu).
This site is free to join and easy to set up. There are thousands of
digital products that you can sell in all categories. There is even a
blacksmithing ebook! Oops! Was that a little plug? You can choose any
product from the market place to sell or you can make your own product
for yourself and other people to sell. These products are stored on the
persons website server so you only need a very small amount of space on
your website for advertising their product.
To earn multiple income streams online you simple sell several products
and set up individual small sites to do this. Many little income
streams to create income opportunities worth millions. This is the
fundamental principle. Have multiple income streams to work at home
business to make real money.
Where to Start?
By now you see the potential
for many small income trickles to gather together and form a
significant income stream, that will at least supplement your current
income. Well it is possible to muddle through things and get things
half right but it will be laborious and time consuming. People who know
me know that I am a very thrifty person and I always research something
to get the best deal I can when I buy something. There are many free
items that will help you but there are a couple of economical
publications that have helped me immensely.
Honest Riches by Holly Mann This is a remarkable ebook written for those of us
that are just starting out on this venture. Holly writes clearly and
concisely and gives you step by step procedures and ways of generating
income streams. She has only been doing this a few years and
comes across as a very down to earth person. Holly is a single mom who
started this venture without a lot of training and has become quite
successful. She is genuinely interested helping all of us succeed at
this business.
Her ebook is 95 pages long and not full of filler, and was recently
updated. Once you buy her ebook she will send you a new link for every
updated version. To me this is a great selling feature since I only
have to buy the book once (and not very expensive $37.00 when I bought)
and as things change online I will get new information. Very Cool!
Holly also maintains a forum where problems can be discussed and sorted
out. There is a really helpful community spirit on this forum.
Use the above link to check it out (Resources Menu). The ebook also
provides links to many free tools that Holly uses. Free is good when it
is available.
Words into Traffic by Jim Edwards
This was actually the first book I bought. Jim is a bit more of a
salesman than Holly but his information is solid and also from personal
experience. Jim's book is 165 pages long and it takes a while to get
through it. He uses a lot of examples and occasionally repeats himself.
I originally bought this book to increase traffic to my
main Artist blacksmith website. Not only did it do this but it started me
on this
whole income stream adventure. Jim emails you a whole series of bonuses
after you buy his book. All of these have good information in them but
some I can not use at this time. In some areas it is a bit of a slow
process for me to integrate all the ideas. Still Learning!
Incorporating both of the above systems is a relatively new program
called One
Week Marketing.
This is a great system built around using free websites to build an
interconnected net to bring people to a purchase page. This describes
in detail and truly step by step how to effectively set up this net.
Worth Checking out.
In retrospect One
Week Marketing
gets you started right away with no website expenses. It is reassuring
when you can spend a week working on a project and start seeing results
at the end of the week. There is potential for real success following
the program. Holly's Book and Jim's add to that program well.